Re-Invent My Career
For today's parents, Christine helps her clients find their individual life purpose by discovering opportunities and balancing their lives to accomplish their life goals while raising their families. As importantly, Christine specializes in providing advice to strengthen her clients' lost self-confidence after an absence from the workforce, overcoming blocks from the past and managing their busy lives through proven time management techniques and flexible work options.
How Does Coaching Work?
All potential clients receive a free initial consultation to ask questions, understand the coaching process and determine if there is a good fit for a coaching relationship. There is no obligation to continue after the initial consultation. Coaching sessions can be in person (if local) or by phone at designated times agreed upon by client and coach. Sessions are typically 45-60 minutes in length and generally once a week or twice a month to maintain momentum. During the first session, client and coach will agree on an estimated coaching period and preliminary topics. Confidentiality is always maintained. Nothing is ever discussed outside the coaching relationship.